Det kom som en overraskelse for mange, da Iron Maiden bassist Steve Harris udgav sit solo/sideprojekt British Lion i midten af 2012. Oven på en positiv modtagelse af albummet har der været mange spekulationer om, om dette bare var en engangs forestilling som et studieprojekt? 

Dette viser sig dog nu ikke at være sandt. Steve Harris tager nemlig på clubtour i Europa i kølvand på British Lion begyndende fra februar til slutningen af marts.

Det er første gang i mange, mange år at man kan opleve Iron Maiden founder Steve Harris på så tæt hold som tilfældet er på denne tour.

Steve Harris siger i en pressemeddelelse: “I love touring and live shows and I’m very excited about touring with British Lion. It’s fantastic to get out there and once again experience the sheer vibrancy of small clubs with the fans right up front and in your face. I think the fans will enjoy that too. It’s exciting, going back to the roots, and it’s going to be fantastic. We are taking this to clubs all round Europe – a full club tour, with club shows at club prices, hot, sweaty and loud . We have no idea how many people will turn out to see us as it’s obviously very recent and very new, so we have kept the venues small with tickets priced accordingly as low as we reasonably could.”

Endnu er der ingen danske datoer, men en koncert i KB i Malmø d 12 marts er jo ikke langt væk!
