Stone Temple Pilot sangeren Scott Weiland er tilbage som forsanger for det amerikanske hard rock band Velvet Revolver.

Hard rock bandet der bl.a. tæller tidligere GnR’s medlemmer Slash, Duff og Sorum har angiveligt sagt ja til en ny omgang med originale sanger Scott Weiland i front.

Metalhammer UK skriver følgende:

It’s official: after joining the band for a special one-off show earlier this year, Scott Weiland is back inVelvet Revolver full-time and will appear on the band’s new album and forthcoming tours!

“We’ve all grown a lot,” explains Weiland to ABC News Radio. “We’re able to put egos and differences and old…conflicts aside and so that’s really cool. Slash’s solo album gets released [on May 22] and so he’s gonna do some touring on that and then we’re gonna go and do some [Velvet Revolver] shows in the later part of summer into early fall.”

Lad os så se hvad det nye album vil bringe!!