2013-2014 bliver året hvor Nine Inch Nails genopfinder sig selv, og vender tilbage til live-fronten!
Ud fra en udtalelse fra Trent Reznor, lader det til at fans af industrial-pioneerne Nine Inch Nails godt begynde at glæde sig! Bandet vender nemlig tilbage til musikscenen efter fire års fravær!
Hele udtalelsen er som følger:
“Nine Inch Nails are touring this year.
I was working with Adrian Belew on some musical ideas, which led to some discussion on performing, which led to some beard-scratching, which (many steps later) led to the decision to re-think the idea of what Nine Inch Nails could be, and the idea of playing a show. Calls were made to some friends, lots of new ideas were discussed, and a show was booked – which led to another, which somehow led to a lot of shows.
The band is reinventing itself from scratch and will be comprised of Eric Avery, Adrian Belew, Alessandro Cortini, Josh Eustis, Ilan Rubin, and me. The first shows will begin this summer, followed by a full-on arena tour of the US this fall, and lots of other dates worldwide to follow through 2014.
Lots of details and dates to come. See you soon.
Koncerten Nine Inch Nails leverede på Orange Scene i 2009, står stadigvæk som en af de aller bedste koncerter jeg har set i mit liv, så at bandet vender tilbage med en verdenstourné, samt at Trent Reznor forsøger at genopfinde bandet fra bunden, gør kun det hele endnu mere spændende!!
Velkommen tilbage!