Baest på Roskilde. Foto: Jannie Ravn Madsen

Der skal næppe herske nogen tvivl om, at BAEST’s popularitet er skudt afsted i raketfart. Siden de var med i bl.a. New Shit 2016 er det gået stærkt!
Nu har det store udland også meldt sig på banen.
Og derfor kan bandet i dag krone det hele, med en flot signing på det tyske pladeselskab Century Media, der altså udgiver deres kommende debut i sommeren 2018. 

Til signingen siger Jens Prüter, Head of A&R i Century Media Records Europe:

“This January I visited Copenhell Freezes Over where the Copenhell Festival is presenting Danish talent to fans and international business partners (it’s like South By Southwest – just more metal and much colder, ha ha). I had already heard some good things about BAEST and Jeppe from Copenhell made sure that I didn’t miss them at the sold-out Vega club. It rarely happens that a bunch of business farts is immediately blown away by a band’s sheer force, but we all were and I couldn’t hold back signing them for CM. We are very proud to unleash this Nordic death metal beast upon mankind and hope you will like this bunch as much as we do! Thanks again to Jeppe Nissen from Copenhell and Anders Meisner from Music Export
Denmark – and of course to BAEST!”

BAEST er netop blevet offentliggjort til 2018 udgaven af Summer Breeze i Tyskland. 

Den fulde koncertplan for 2018 ser indtil videre således ud:

7. April – Tallinn Music Week (EE)
12. April – Aalborg, Fryd (DK)
21. April – Springtime Slaughter (DK)
5. May – MetroMusik (DK)
10.-11. May – Spot Festival (DK)
25. May – Lavukstock (DK)
29. June – Tuska Open Air (FI)
15.-18. August – Summer Breeze Open Air (DE)